sian holidays over liao. doesnt even feel like a holiday.zzz

went to town+bugis with leo. SHIT man cost me whole day to find 1 nike bag,AND ITS SUCKS.i just found out tat another guy from my sch have the same bag. OMG. this sucks. im NEVER buying bag again.. make me comb bugis+town. then leo bought a shirt from the *ahem* "ah-beng" shop.haha. almost the same as mine. hmm,then went to arcade,i only spent 1buck and i played for like half an hour== too pro^^. went back to cwp,then leo pa called,ask us to go cwp to look for MEGAZORD!!! for leon-.-. so both of us looked liked 2 idiots walking in to kiddy palace and looking for toys ==. went to cut hair later,i stepped on one pile of mud i think,my slippers damn dirty T.T


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